Spend a boredom-free summer break at Crater's Multimedia Teen Camp. Not only will you have fun, but you will also gain new skills and meet friends with whom you share the same interests.

We empower kids to use smart devices for creativity boost rather than idle scrolling. In the past decade, over 120 teens learned the basics of computer graphics and digital arts from our tutors.


The program is intended for teenagers and takes place during the summer break. During two weeks of multimedia camp, our youngest students will take part in creative workshops, make friends and create original multimedia content each day.

Click here to read everything you need to know about the summer camp at Crater.


We can help turn your child’s imagination into a profitable career

Once considered doomed to an unsatisfying career and a penniless future, imaginative children today have a wealth of opportunities for a profitable yet rewarding career in visual effects, video games and computer graphics.

Seeing as this is a new and complex industry, we don’t expect you to be familiar with the different career paths available. Instead, our team of professionals dedicates time to each student individually to assess their talents, interests, and affinities.
By gaining an understanding of what they enjoy and how they see themselves, we can help map out all the possibilities that the future holds for them, giving both you and your child the freedom to enjoy their carefree years of learning new skills.


We come to you instead of waiting for you to come to us

With all those extracurricular activities filling up the weekly schedule, we understand that setting aside time for individual consultations and a visit to our training center is not an easy task. This is why we regularly partner with schools for in-house events, allowing elementary and high-school students to spend a day at a VFX studio, learn about our program and the profession, and get a taste of how production works.

If you are a teacher/parent, GET IN TOUCH with us and we’ll be happy to plan a visit to your/your child's school.