The summer internship program at the Crater Training Center
The summer internship program at the Crater Training Center
Every summer, we organize an internship program that simulates working in a studio on a project (usually a film). This involves working within set deadlines under the supervision of experienced artists who will provide you with direct and honest feedback. This way, you’ll have the opportunity to further hone your skills with the mentorship support of our studio colleagues and familiarize yourself with the processes and dynamics of working in a professional environment in the visual effects industry.
Who is our summer program designed for?
This program is aimed at young talents who want to take their first steps in the creative industry. After successfully completing an internship at the Crater Training Center, top interns often receive job offers from local post-production studios, video game and design studios, as well as various creative agencies.
Interns typically practice their skills in roles such as 3D Generalist, Matte Painting Artist, Lighting Artist, Animator, FX Artist, but we do not exclude the possibility of a need for other roles to emerge.
Crater Summership 2024
Pozivamo vas da iskoristite ovo leto da usavšite svoje veštine na praksi u Crater Training Centru!
Imaćete prilike da radite na pravom projektu, koji je nekomercijalnog tipa. Praksa je osmišljena kao simulacija rada u studiju, što podrazumeva svakodnevnu komunikaciju sa mentorima, ispunjavanje zadataka u zadatim rokovima, komunikaciju sa supervizorom prakse na nedeljnom nivou, a pre svega timski rad samih polaznika prakse. Praksa podrazumeva prisutnost kandidata svakog radnog dana od 10 do 17 časova u trajanju od minimum mesec dana, a pred istek meseca radiće se evaluacija kandidata i izabrani će dobiti priliku da nastave praksu, najviše u trajanju od 3 meseca.
Mentorske pozicije zauzeće iskusni artisti iz Crater studija. Kao odgovorno lice, praksu će voditi VFX supervizor Bogdan Amidžić, a u ulogama mentora će mu se pridružiti Miloš Galović, Luka Vilimonović i Dimitrije Babović.
Za sve dodatne informacije, obratite se timu Crater Training Centra koji će vas uputiti u detalje prakse.
Početak prakse: 5. jul 2023.
Termini prakse: radnim danima od 10-17 časova
Trajanje prakse: min mesec dana, max 3 meseca
Mesto održavanja: Crater Training Center
Pozicije: Matte Painting Artist, Lighting Artist, Animator,FX Artist, 3D Generalist i IT Assistant.
Rok za prijavu: 19. jun 2023.
"I mostly worked on character animation. I am satisfied with the internship because I had the opportunity to refine my skills and learn a lot through some more complex tasks. Before that, I had little experience in film, mostly through school projects, and this is my first real experience working on a serious film. I am quite pleased with the experience and would like to continue in that realm."
Nikola Simić, Intern / Animator
"I've been involved in modeling, texturing, and developing UV maps for the film, which I found enjoyable. Although I had an introduction to it in college, we didn't delve so deeply into the subject. I really like working in this industry and would love to continue in this direction."
Anja Petrović, Intern / 3D Generalist
"I really enjoyed the experience because previously, as a student, I didn't have the opportunity to work on a professional project. It was really nice, and I managed to learn a lot from other people. I particularly enjoyed working in a team."
Una Marković, Intern / 3D Generalist
"I mostly worked on character animation. I am satisfied with the internship because I had the opportunity to refine my skills and learn a lot through some more complex tasks. Before that, I had little experience in film, mostly through school projects, and this is my first real experience working on a serious film. I am quite pleased with the experience and would like to continue in that realm."
Nikola Simić, Intern / Animator
"I've been involved in modeling, texturing, and developing UV maps for the film, which I found enjoyable. Although I had an introduction to it in college, we didn't delve so deeply into the subject. I really like working in this industry and would love to continue in this direction."
Anja Petrović, Intern / 3D Generalist
"I really enjoyed the experience because previously, as a student, I didn't have the opportunity to work on a professional project. It was really nice, and I managed to learn a lot from other people. I particularly enjoyed working in a team."
Una Marković, Intern / 3D Generalist
"I mostly worked on character animation. I am satisfied with the internship because I had the opportunity to refine my skills and learn a lot through some more complex tasks. Before that, I had little experience in film, mostly through school projects, and this is my first real experience working on a serious film. I am quite pleased with the experience and would like to continue in that realm."
Nikola Simić, Intern / Animator
CGA Belgrade
CGA: The First Regional Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Arts
Computer Graphics and Arts Conference (CGA Belgrade) is an international gathering of like-minded professionals who share a love for digital art, visual innovations, and technology.
The very idea of launching the conference was born right here in Crater, thanks to Miljana Jovović (the longtime director of our center and producer at Crater Studio) and Milica Božanić (executive manager of the Serbia Film Association). When Miloš Milošević (former editor of VFX Serbia) joined the team, things started heating up.
Today, CGA is the event of the year for the local artistic community. Over time, the initiative has started growing through various program tracks, accompanying events, and guest appearances, many organized by our team members.
Continue below to read what this experience looks like from our point of view.
The inception of the conference
The initial events at Crater kicked off as soon as we started school in 2012. First, there were the Open Door Days, thanks to which we realized that people were highly interested in professional gatherings. Our first two-day event that combined lectures and workshops brought around 100 artists, and this experience only confirmed that the local audience was hungry for such programs. In 2015, the Open Door Days turned into Meetups at Crater, and they eventually graduated into a conference.
The adventure called CGA Belgrade officially started in 2017 when the conference’s first edition was held in the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade. For us, this was a logical continuation of the events for which Crater was (and remains) famous on the local VFX scene.
“We were stunned at how well it all went. At the time, we didn’t have any big plans about what we were going to do with it, but the positive reactions, the fact that people were happy to finally have an event where they could hang out and meet other artists, is what motivated us to keep pushing”, Miljana Jovović
2018 / 2019
Next year, CGA moved to the Yugoslav Film Archive (Jugoslovenska Kinoteka), where “our little family gathering” officially became a large-scale event. Here we held the most attended editions of the conference, with up to 700 attendees in one day. Here we also divided the entire experience into two program tracks so that each visitor can attend the most desired session.
“CGA was born out of our love for knowledge-sharing that encompasses not only hard skills, but also inspiring stories and experiences of artists from big-name companies working on top projects. The audience at CGA was eager to hear what it’s like to work in studios around the world or, for example, on Spider-Man, or even success stories from artists who started from scratch,”, says Miljana Jovović
Brand New CGA: 2020 – today
The year 2020 started with our first guest appearance outside the country, in Banja Luka, but then it threw us a challenge since holding a big live event was no longer not possible. We somehow managed to overcome the situation by organizing the very first online conference, which turned out to be an excellent move because it spread our wings to try new formats and design new program tracks with our partners:

CGAcademy – provides educational content to help students and entry-level artists work their way up in the VFX, gaming, animation, and CG industry.

CGAlliance – offers solutions and opportunity perspectives regarding the growing CG industry in Serbia. The track is curated by Serbia Film Commission.

CGArts – rovides a dedicated space for artistic discussion and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Since 2021 and our guest event in Novi Sad, CGA switched to a hybrid format with a part of the content broadcasted on the conference website and the main program held live in front of the audience
We perfected this arrangement by the sixth annual CGA conference. CAG 2022 was preceded by a summer-long program of creating original 3D environments in which we filmed the online conference program. Virtual Environments Lab was held in the summer of 2022 in this school, with 12 young creators and the same number of mentors joining in. Today, we are proud to say that it presents one of our most ambitious initiatives.
The conference side events are usually held at Crater. These are workshops and masterclasses by top artists, such as the one by the acclaimed VFX Supervisor Victor Perez, who shared the well-kept secrets of compositing right here in our classroom. This practice of selfless sharing of knowledge through Crater and CGA has been supported since the very beginning by our partner companies, including 3Lateral, Epic Games, SideFX, Nordeus, Autodesk, Foundry, and others.
In September 2022, just before the kick-off of our sixth annual conference, the first regional Houdini User Group (HUG Belgrade) was held in Crater’s cinema room.
It is also important to note that Crater is the physical home of all the CGA online events since most of the program is streamed from our rooms.

With CGAcademy, we support the new generation of digital artists through the development of software and other relevant skills. The program targets young creators working in the fields of visual effects, game art, animation, interactive media, digital design, and other related fields.
For us, designing such a platform was a logical step, as we have been committed to strengthening the CG ecosystem for many years, either through the popularization of deficient occupations, or by designing study programs, and free training for university teachers, professors, and associates. We are committed to strengthening the talent base in Serbia, and CGAcademy is one way to succeed in this mission. Learn more about CGA’s education initiatives and events HERE.
Rekli su o CGA Belgrade konferenciji
“CGA is invaluable for the local community. Every time, I’m pleasantly surprised by the caliber of the lectures, and an additional pleasure is the excellent mix of world experts and local stars. A bonus fact to the quality and professionalism of the CGA conference is its constant growth and even greater ambitions.”
Nikola Damjanov, Lead Artist @ Nordeus
“Events like this are fundamentally important for the community and community is for industry. It’s a circle of life!”
Vladimir Mastilović, CEO @ 3Lateral
“I always have a brilliant time at CGA, and it's because of the whole experience - the venue, the programme, and the way that CGA's team looks after their guests. It is always fun, and I have met a lot of really good people from other countries thanks to CGA - probably more than any other conference I have attended.”
Andrew Brassington, Head of Talent Development @ Escape Studios
“CGA is awesome and very important for the entire community. Apart from phenomenal lectures, I believe the greatest value of this particular conference is networking and getting to know other people who are working on similar projects.”
Sava Živković, Director & Filmmaker
“CGA is invaluable for the local community. Every time, I’m pleasantly surprised by the caliber of the lectures, and an additional pleasure is the excellent mix of world experts and local stars. A bonus fact to the quality and professionalism of the CGA conference is its constant growth and even greater ambitions.”
Nikola Damjanov, Lead Artist @ Nordeus
“Events like this are fundamentally important for the community and community is for industry. It’s a circle of life!”
Vladimir Mastilović, CEO @ 3Lateral
“I always have a brilliant time at CGA, and it's because of the whole experience - the venue, the programme, and the way that CGA's team looks after their guests. It is always fun, and I have met a lot of really good people from other countries thanks to CGA - probably more than any other conference I have attended.”
Andrew Brassington, Head of Talent Development @ Escape Studios
“CGA is awesome and very important for the entire community. Apart from phenomenal lectures, I believe the greatest value of this particular conference is networking and getting to know other people who are working on similar projects.”
Sava Živković, Director & Filmmaker
Editor’s Choice
Train the Professionals - subsidized course for working 3D artists
Train the Professionals: Unreal Engine Essentials
- subsidized course for working 3D artists
During the winter semester of 2022, we trained 30 professional artists to work in the most popular game engine in the world. Here’s how it all played out.
Unreal Engine Essentials course as part of the Train the Professionals initiative was intended for anybody working in in Visual Arts, has at least two years of working experience (no matter if in 3D modeling, visualization, VFX, Game Art, or any other creative field) and is coming from Serbia or other regional countries.
We started the Train the Professionals initiative with the goal of supporting the ambitions and career development of regional artists by getting them familiar with the Unreal Engine 5 possibilities and its practical use in a production pipeline. In this, we are supported by partners from Unreal Engine Educations and 3Lateral (Epic Games). The goal to teach the wider professional public to the tool’s specificity when it comes to environment design and real-time interaction.
Take your first step in the entertainment industry unlike any other we have seen before with Train the Professionals!

Course name: Unreal Engine Essentials
Price: 70 € (its commercial value amounts to 530 euros)
Duration: Eight weeks (60 school classes)
GROUP 1 – October 3 – November 21, 2022, every Monday and Thursday from 7 PM
GROUP 2 – October 5 – November 23, 2022, every Wednesday and Saturday from 7 PM
Deadline for submission of final work: February 23, 2023.
After six weeks of intensive training, attendees are able to:
- confidently use the Unreal Editor environment,
- independently create virtual environments using built-in terrain generation tools,
- apply ready-made solutions for vegetation or design their own with emphasis on optimization,
- successfully design a production line for manipulating 3D content created in specialized software (Autodesk Maya, Houdini, Cinema 4D) and their application in the engine,
- understand and apply to develop their materials directly from the engine,
- learn recommended practices for lighting scenes in real-time,
- design basic interactions using the Blueprint system,
- master the creation of animated camera sequences,
- use the built-in interface design module,
- add camera effects,
- get to know the Niagara particle system,
- use Quixel and Marketplace content,
- successfully publish a virtual experience.
After the official part of the training, the students will be able to attend specialized lectures by the industry experts who will introduce you to the work processes in their studios. Among the companies eager to join us in this segment are Ebb Software, Mad Head Games, Case 3D, Mag Achi, Wonder Dynamics and Open Studio.
Apply if:
- you are a working artist specializing in any field of visual arts;
- have a minimum of 2 years of working experience (regardless of the current employment status);
- have a comprehensive level of Serbian language;
- skilled in any of the industry-standard 3D modeling software (Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, or Blender);
- are highly motivated to learn.
The number of applicants is limited, and candidate selection will be based on technical expertise, the quality level of your portfolio projects, and the motivation you exert through your application. Up to three spots are available for recent graduates looking for professional experience, able to impress us with their work.
The application is open until August 31, 2022;
at midnight (UTC +2)
The Many Faces of Unreal Engine 5
Unreal Engine 5 is being used more and more for the development of linear and interactive content in real-time for films, video games, or VR/AR applications. It is becoming accessible in architectural visualization and advertising, and even more in film studios and virtual production on TV.
With one of the most recent projects, The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience, the limits of traditional formats has successfully been surpassed, all thanks to Unreal Engine. With many more ambitious projects emerging, it’s safe to say that Unreal Engine gives a greater range of possibilities to creative teams. This comes as no surprise considering that it literally expands the space in real-time, all while simplifying the production pipeline and enabling higher control of the creative process.
Aside from this, Unreal Engine has found its role in the world of the automobile industry, specializing in driving simulations and new car model testing. Due to its ability to create realistic simulations, it is being used more and more in science, as seen in the project of “resurrecting” a prehistoric man from Lepenski Vir, which the Serbian delegation presented last year at Dubai Expo.

Why Learn the Art of Unreal at Crater Training Center?
At the start of 2021, the leader in the field of interactive and 3D engine technology, Epic Games awarded Crater Training Center with the Epic MegaGrant for the project dedicated to educating professors from numerous schools in Serbia. From this stemmed the original Train the Trainers initiative during which we trained 45 university professors to work in the Unreal Engine.
Later that same year, we participated in the European education project in this engine called Summer of Unreal, shoulder to shoulder with the leading European schools for animation and digital graphics. These are Escape Studios, ArtFX, The Animation Workshop, Screen Skills Ireland, La Salle Barcelona, and Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart.
Our educational program Technical Art in Unreal Engine, completed with this course, has been accredited by the Agency for qualification by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.
About the Lecturer
Milan Ličina

Visual artist and a docent at the Metropolitan University in Belgrade, as well as a lecturer on the Unreal Engine Essentials course at Crater.

As a specialist for audio-visual technologies in studio Galerija 12, he worked on many local and international projects. Through his work, he connects art, design, and new technologies to create immersive content for TV production and VR, and is prone to using game engines for the development of interactive art installations and virtual set design.
Train The Professionals program for Unreal Engine 5 is a great start for everyone interested in gaining essential knowledge about the engine and game design in general. The program offers a good knowledge base and great practices to optimize game dev. I recommend it to both professionals looking to learn the engine or broaden their expertise, and beginners looking where to start, as the curriculum and awesome lecturer cover both.
Đorđe Marković, Game Designer / Founder @ Bohemian Pulp
I signed up for the course because I wanted to acquire new skills to improve my previous knowledge. After the modeling course, I wanted to learn to use the engine so that I could bring my models to life within a project and boost my portfolio. For someone with no prior knowledge of UE, I can say that I learned a lot and that the course met all my expectations. Milan is an excellent lecturer, and I was delighted to get the opportunity to be part of the Train the Professionals program.
Isidora Dimitrijević, Freelance Digital Artist
I started the course with the expectation of sharpening my already solid knowledge of Unreal Engine, but this class pleasantly surprised me with tips and tricks which I never thought about..The class contained more information about not only knowledge of the engine, but also very useful context where we could use the engine for various purposes.
The staff proved to be most supportive and responsive about any technical question that would pop up along the way. The same goes for the lecturer Milan who responded to all my questions with valuable feedback. I would definitely recommend Crater Training Center with its wide span of courses that covers industry standard softwares and CG disciplines to anyone with ambition to properly develop as a CG artist.
Haris Hadžagić, 3D Generalist
Although I had previous knowledge in UE, I was self-taught, so I am quite happy with this experience. The course met my expectations, especially Milan. I don't know when he managed to learn all that and, yet, he transfers his knowledge with so much energy. I am glad that I got the opportunity to learn from him and meet other colleagues who attended the course. This was my first time following the training online, but I didn't notice that I was trotting behind those who were listening to the class in person. I will try to pass on the acquired knowledge to my friends from the team I work with on games.
Bojan Tripković, 3D Artist @ Umbra Productions
I am very satisfied with the course. I had the opportunity to collaborate with fellow artists from different fields, and it was not difficult for us to grasp and understand everything, even though it was a group lecture. The subjective feeling was as if someone was giving you a lesson individually, so we did not have those moments to simply pass through something that is not clear to us, but everything was done thoroughly. We got the basis for further development and improvement as far as work in UE is concerned. Expectations have now shifted. First I had expectations from the course itself, and now they are turned toward me.
Jelica Đorđević, 3D Artist @ Digital Asset Tailors
Unreal Engine Essentials - Aftermovie

CGAcademy: Shaping the Industry with Education
CGAcademy: Shaping the Industry with Education
CGAcademy provides educational content to help students and entry-level artists work their way up in the VFX, gaming, animation, and CG industry. With CGAcademy sessions, you won’t wander off the right learning path.
With CGAcademy, we support the new generation of digital artists through the development of software and other relevant skills. The program targets young creators working in the fields of visual effects, game art, animation, interactive media, digital design, and other related fields. As one of the founders of the CGA Conference, we launched CGAcademy on the parent platform.
The realization of the CGAcademy for us was a logical step, as we have been committed to strengthening the CG ecosystem for many years, either through the popularization of deficient occupations, or by designing study programs, and free training for university teachers, professors, and associates. We are committed to strengthening the talent base in Serbia, and CGAcademy is one way to succeed in this mission.
In addition to individual sessions, the CGAcademy team also organizes all-day events such as Emerging Talents (May 2021) and Talent Sandbox (April 2022) conferences, as well as an educational streamline within CGA Belgrade: Embracing Metaversity (November 2021) conference.
To keep up to date with CGAcademy content, we recommend that you follow Crater’s YouTube channel.You should also know that the CGA’s official channel hides a variety of related sessions held both online and live in front of a large audience.
Editor’s Choice
Watch the CGAcademy Sessions in Full
The CGAcademy sessions were initially divided into three series, and over time we organized several “stand-alone” episodes. Creative Software Sessions are practical tutorials on industry-leading tools such as Unreal Engine, Autodesk Maya, Zbrush, etc. Know-How Sessions are focused on soft skills that help young people better understand the professional environment and collaborate with others. Finally,there is the Career Paths series, in which we “reveal the secrets” of career paths in the creative industries and explain what positions exist in the market.
CGAcademy Team

Miljana Jovović
After years of working in architecture, Miljana turned to the VFX industry. As an executive producer, she led Crater Studio through many major projects. About a decade ago, she made yet another career jump, this time towards non-formal education in the field of creative industries.
Together with her team, she mapped Crater Training Center as a unique place where future and existing professionals gather on courses, events, mentoring, and internship programs. Over time, Crater has become the place-to-be for artists of all kinds, eager to hone their skills, gain knowledge, and network.
Along with partners from the Serbian Film Association and VFX Serbia, she founded CGA Belgrade, the first international conference dedicated to computer graphics in the region.

Marija Rakić-Lovrić
Education & Events Specialist
Marija is an ethnomusicologist with vast experience in teaching juniors and high schoolers, as well as in international schools.
She has organized and launched numerous workshops and festivals for children related to music, art, culture, and education (GroArt Fest, Culture for Beginners, European Heritage Days), as well as the Music Archeology in Serbia project. She is a member of the Serbian Ethnomusicological Society and an associate of the Jeunesses Musicales Belgrade.
At Crater Training Center, she coordinates classes, organizes events, and actively cooperates with educational institutions to improve teaching in the field of multimedia technologies and computer graphics.

Bojana Simić
Program Specialist and Industry Relationship Representative
As a specialist in adult education, Bojana acts as a program coordinator at our school. She is the first in line with our industry partners and works closely with their HR teams.
As part of the CGAcademy, she launched Portfolio Review sessions in which artists from leading creative studios review the participants’ portfolios while providing expert advice.
So far, she has coordinated projects in the entertainment industry and education (including Summer of Unreal and Train the Trainers, to name a few).
CGAcademy Partners
As a link between industry and academic institutions, Crater Training Center collaborates with industry leaders such as 3Lateral (Epic Games), Nordeus, Mad Head Games, Ubisoft, Playstudios Europe, and other creative studios. The realization of the CGAcademy program is also supported by local universities with curriculum aimed at creative industries. Most of our partners play significant roles in our sessions.
CGAcademy Testimonials
My experience with CGAcademy is great. This was my first public lecture, and the team that organized the event was there to provide full support and make sure everything went smoothly.
I am glad that we are talking more and more about computer graphics, games, and movie industry. It makes me happy to see many more people, both individually and on a team-level, are able to deliver world-class work. Thanks to CGAcademy, students and other artists willing to enter the world of computer graphics are provided with free lectures. The fact that I was able to share my knowledge and present a role of a 3D Animator meant a lot, and I hope that my lesson inspired at least one person to try it out.
Nataša Vučićević, 3D Animator @ Mad Head Games
Conferences are one of the best ways to learn something and get to know someone new. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to travel and attend major world events. That is why CGA is very important and invaluable for the local community. Every time I am pleasantly surprised by the caliber of the lectures, and an additional pleasure is the excellent mix of world experts and local stars. A bonus fact to the quality and professionalism of the CGA conference is its constant growth and even greater ambitions.
Nikola Damjanov, Lead Game Artist @ Nordeus
My experience with CGAcademy is great. This was my first public lecture, and the team that organized the event was there to provide full support and make sure everything went smoothly.
I am glad that we are talking more and more about computer graphics, games, and movie industry. It makes me happy to see many more people, both individually and on a team-level, are able to deliver world-class work. Thanks to CGAcademy, students and other artists willing to enter the world of computer graphics are provided with free lectures. The fact that I was able to share my knowledge and present a role of a 3D Animator meant a lot, and I hope that my lesson inspired at least one person to try it out.
Nataša Vučićević, 3D Animator @ Mad Head Games
Conferences are one of the best ways to learn something and get to know someone new. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to travel and attend major world events. That is why CGA is very important and invaluable for the local community. Every time I am pleasantly surprised by the caliber of the lectures, and an additional pleasure is the excellent mix of world experts and local stars. A bonus fact to the quality and professionalism of the CGA conference is its constant growth and even greater ambitions.
Nikola Damjanov, Lead Game Artist @ Nordeus
My experience with CGAcademy is great. This was my first public lecture, and the team that organized the event was there to provide full support and make sure everything went smoothly.
I am glad that we are talking more and more about computer graphics, games, and movie industry. It makes me happy to see many more people, both individually and on a team-level, are able to deliver world-class work. Thanks to CGAcademy, students and other artists willing to enter the world of computer graphics are provided with free lectures. The fact that I was able to share my knowledge and present a role of a 3D Animator meant a lot, and I hope that my lesson inspired at least one person to try it out.
Nataša Vučićević, 3D Animator @ Mad Head Games
Conferences are one of the best ways to learn something and get to know someone new. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to travel and attend major world events. That is why CGA is very important and invaluable for the local community. Every time I am pleasantly surprised by the caliber of the lectures, and an additional pleasure is the excellent mix of world experts and local stars. A bonus fact to the quality and professionalism of the CGA conference is its constant growth and even greater ambitions.
Nikola Damjanov, Lead Game Artist @ Nordeus
Page example TEEN - English
Page example TEEN - English
Ukoliko ste odlučili da uronite u vode dizajna, grafike, Interneta, 3D I VFX industrije – ovde počinje vaša karijera.
Na ovom kursu, namenjenom početnicima, upoznaćete se sa radom u programu Photoshop. Uz ovladavanje raznim alatima, tehnikama i okruženjem u kome se Photoshop koristi, steći ćete širu sliku o mestu koje zauzima u svetu vizuelne umetnosti i medija. Sertifikovani Adobe instruktori pobrinuće se da naučite da retuširate, editujete, pripremate slike za Web i koristite alate na načine koji će razvijati vašu kreativnost. Ovladaćete korišćenjem vektorske grafike i četkica, kao i upotrebom grafičkih tabli, što će vam pomoći u daljem razvijanju profesionalne karijere u 3D i VFX industriji.
Napredne tehnike u radu sa slojevima
• Dualistička priroda svetlosti sa akcentom na talasnu prirodu
• Napredne tehnike primene blending modova
• Primena filtera Vanishing Point
• Uvoz vektorske grafike nastale u programu Adobe Illustrator
• Snimanje kompozicija slojeva
• Kreiranje smart objekata
• Menjanje smart objekata
Napredne tehnike za kreiranje kompozicija
• Primena filtera i smart filtera
• Uređivanje slike kumulativnom primenom većeg broja filtera
• Primena četkica za slobodoručno crtanje
• Kreiranje efekata primenom četkice
• Usklađivanje kolorita slika (Match Color, Channel Mixer, Photo Filter…)
• Kreiranje panorame povezivanjem većeg broja fotografija
Samostalna vežbe
• Kreiranje razglednice Beograda
Podešavanje Photoshopa i ubrzavanje rada
• Kreiranje sopstvenih prečica na tastaturi
• Automatizacija primenom akcija i kreiranje akcija
• Primena akcija na veći broj fotografija
Uvod u vektorsku grafiku
• Kreiranje i podešavanje putanja
• Kreiranje selekcije od vektorske putanje
• Kreiranje slojeva sa vektorskim maskama
• Kreiranje i menjanje predefinisanih vektorskih simbola
Napredna primena vektorske grafike
• Kompleksne motode primene putanja u kombinaciji sa alatima za rad sa rasterima
Osnove primene grafičke table
• Kreiranje custom četkica i Preset Manager
• Instalacija grafičke table
• Personalno podešavanje za desnoruke i levoruke
• Podešavanje tastera i olovke
• Primena grafičke table u radu sa standardnim četkicama
• Crtanje preko postojeće grafike (tracing)
• Primena grafičke table za kreiranje selekcija
• Primena grafičke table za pisanje teksta
Samostalna vežbe
• Crtanje grafike prema zadatoj referenci primenom grafičke table
Napredne tehnike u radu sa četkicama (Mixer Brush i grafička tabla)
• Izbor i podešavanje četkica
• Mešanje boja
• Kreiranje sopstvenih podešavanja
• Retuširanje alatom Mixer Brush
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book, Peachpit, Berkeley, California, 2012
Upon completion of the course students will receive the internationally recognized Adobe Certificate of Completion, as well as the Crater VFX Training Center Certificate.
Curabitur Accumsan
Morbi varius sapien in tellus vulputate, quis vestibulum urna suscipit. Phasellus pretium vitae lorem at efficitur. Duis magna nulla, molestie ut aliquet eu, dignissim sit amet purus. Quisque mattis convallis magna, vitae fermentum augue efficitur ac. Proin consequat mattis ultricies. Aliquam malesuada, sapien nec suscipit lobortis, risus ipsum luctus massa, id suscipit felis erat in nunc. Donec at nisi eu tellus euismod pulvinar id sodales lorem. Nunc ut dictum massa, ac dictum magna. Integer commodo imperdiet turpis sed scelerisque. In fermentum, leo vel fermentum bibendum, nulla purus volutpat turpis, quis accumsan magna lacus in libero. Aenean vestibulum odio non volutpat facilisis. Curabitur ac tempus metus.
650 EUR
VAT included. Class is 45 minutes
51 classes / 6 weeks
basic computer skills
Digital Image Editing and Creation*
* or equivalent computer skills
TUITION in serbian
Students works
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Page example SOFTWARE EDUCATION - English
Ukoliko ste odlučili da uronite u vode dizajna, grafike, Interneta, 3D I VFX industrije – ovde počinje vaša karijera.
Na ovom kursu, namenjenom početnicima, upoznaćete se sa radom u programu Photoshop. Uz ovladavanje raznim alatima, tehnikama i okruženjem u kome se Photoshop koristi, steći ćete širu sliku o mestu koje zauzima u svetu vizuelne umetnosti i medija. Sertifikovani Adobe instruktori pobrinuće se da naučite da retuširate, editujete, pripremate slike za Web i koristite alate na načine koji će razvijati vašu kreativnost. Ovladaćete korišćenjem vektorske grafike i četkica, kao i upotrebom grafičkih tabli, što će vam pomoći u daljem razvijanju profesionalne karijere u 3D i VFX industriji.
Napredne tehnike u radu sa slojevima
• Dualistička priroda svetlosti sa akcentom na talasnu prirodu
• Napredne tehnike primene blending modova
• Primena filtera Vanishing Point
• Uvoz vektorske grafike nastale u programu Adobe Illustrator
• Snimanje kompozicija slojeva
• Kreiranje smart objekata
• Menjanje smart objekata
Napredne tehnike za kreiranje kompozicija
• Primena filtera i smart filtera
• Uređivanje slike kumulativnom primenom većeg broja filtera
• Primena četkica za slobodoručno crtanje
• Kreiranje efekata primenom četkice
• Usklađivanje kolorita slika (Match Color, Channel Mixer, Photo Filter…)
• Kreiranje panorame povezivanjem većeg broja fotografija
Samostalna vežbe
• Kreiranje razglednice Beograda
Podešavanje Photoshopa i ubrzavanje rada
• Kreiranje sopstvenih prečica na tastaturi
• Automatizacija primenom akcija i kreiranje akcija
• Primena akcija na veći broj fotografija
Uvod u vektorsku grafiku
• Kreiranje i podešavanje putanja
• Kreiranje selekcije od vektorske putanje
• Kreiranje slojeva sa vektorskim maskama
• Kreiranje i menjanje predefinisanih vektorskih simbola
Napredna primena vektorske grafike
• Kompleksne motode primene putanja u kombinaciji sa alatima za rad sa rasterima
Osnove primene grafičke table
• Kreiranje custom četkica i Preset Manager
• Instalacija grafičke table
• Personalno podešavanje za desnoruke i levoruke
• Podešavanje tastera i olovke
• Primena grafičke table u radu sa standardnim četkicama
• Crtanje preko postojeće grafike (tracing)
• Primena grafičke table za kreiranje selekcija
• Primena grafičke table za pisanje teksta
Samostalna vežbe
• Crtanje grafike prema zadatoj referenci primenom grafičke table
Napredne tehnike u radu sa četkicama (Mixer Brush i grafička tabla)
• Izbor i podešavanje četkica
• Mešanje boja
• Kreiranje sopstvenih podešavanja
• Retuširanje alatom Mixer Brush
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book, Peachpit, Berkeley, California, 2012
Upon completion of the course students will receive the internationally recognized Adobe Certificate of Completion, as well as the Crater VFX Training Center Certificate.
Curabitur Accumsan
Morbi varius sapien in tellus vulputate, quis vestibulum urna suscipit. Phasellus pretium vitae lorem at efficitur. Duis magna nulla, molestie ut aliquet eu, dignissim sit amet purus. Quisque mattis convallis magna, vitae fermentum augue efficitur ac. Proin consequat mattis ultricies. Aliquam malesuada, sapien nec suscipit lobortis, risus ipsum luctus massa, id suscipit felis erat in nunc. Donec at nisi eu tellus euismod pulvinar id sodales lorem. Nunc ut dictum massa, ac dictum magna. Integer commodo imperdiet turpis sed scelerisque. In fermentum, leo vel fermentum bibendum, nulla purus volutpat turpis, quis accumsan magna lacus in libero. Aenean vestibulum odio non volutpat facilisis. Curabitur ac tempus metus.
650 EUR
VAT included. Class is 45 minutes
51 classes / 6 weeks
basic computer skills
Digital Image Editing and Creation*
* or equivalent computer skills
TUITION in serbian
Students works
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Download File: for Teens

The program is intended for teenagers and takes place during the summer break. During two weeks of multimedia camp, our youngest students will take part in creative workshops, make friends and create original multimedia content each day.
Click here to read everything you need to know about the summer camp at Crater.
We can help turn your child’s imagination into a profitable career
Once considered doomed to an unsatisfying career and a penniless future, imaginative children today have a wealth of opportunities for a profitable yet rewarding career in visual effects, video games and computer graphics.
Seeing as this is a new and complex industry, we don’t expect you to be familiar with the different career paths available. Instead, our team of professionals dedicates time to each student individually to assess their talents, interests, and affinities.
By gaining an understanding of what they enjoy and how they see themselves, we can help map out all the possibilities that the future holds for them, giving both you and your child the freedom to enjoy their carefree years of learning new skills.
We come to you instead of waiting for you to come to us
With all those extracurricular activities filling up the weekly schedule, we understand that setting aside time for individual consultations and a visit to our training center is not an easy task. This is why we regularly partner with schools for in-house events, allowing elementary and high-school students to spend a day at a VFX studio, learn about our program and the profession, and get a taste of how production works.
With all those extracurricular activities filling up the weekly schedule, we understand that setting aside time for individual consultations and a visit to our training center is not an easy task. This is why we regularly partner with schools for in-house events, allowing elementary and high-school students to spend a day at a VFX studio, learn about our program and the profession, and get a taste of how production works.
If you are a teacher/parent, GET IN TOUCH with us and we’ll be happy to plan a visit to your/your child's school.
VFX Creation and Game Art Education
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Download File: File: CREATION
Kick-start your visual effects or game art career!
Our modular program structure is designed for quick learning and allows for choices across the board to form a unique learning path for each student. We offer in-person, virtual and hybrid delivery options for all our courses.
All courses require basic knowledge of Photoshop. Depending on the level of instruction, some courses require proof of previous knowledge and/or completed work.
If you are from Serbia go to page for DOMESTIC STUDENTS.
December 2024 |
M | T | W | T | F | S | S |
Photoshop is considered an essential tool for digital artists of all kinds. If you’re about to take your first steps in a creative industry, then our course is the right choice.
3D Essentials
Our bestselling entry-level course, 3D Essentials is the perfect introduction to the vast world of computer graphics and all of the opportunities it offers.
Digital Lighting, Shading and Rendering
Our specialized lighting design course will teach you the basic procedures and techniques that will help you present each object as realistically as possible.
Organic Modeling #1: Character Sculpting
This course is ideal for those who already wield the skills of 3D modeling and would love to present their sculpts in a digital environment.
Organic Modeling #2: Character Modeling and Texturing
This course is intended for rookies ready to take their organic modeling skills on an even higher level, and develop their own character modeling style.
This course is primarily intended for those who have no experience with rigging techniques, but also for professional riggers and for 3D artists who want to expand their skills and knowledge of character rigging.
VFX in Houdini
The course is designed for VFX artists who want to learn how to create top dynamic effects used in movies and video games.
Matte Painting and Environment Design
The course is a combination of matte painting basics mixed with elements of concept art and environment design.
Digital Compositing
Participants will learn basic principles of digital compositing and other techniques essential for working in film and integrating real elements with computer-generated ones.
Unreal Engine Essentials
The course is intended for all those who already have the basic knowledge in 3D modeling* and want to adapt their skills to work in real-time, which is soon to become an industry standard.
Motion Graphics 2D
Our 2D Animation course, which relies heavily on Adobe After Effects and is designed to cover a large number of procedures currently used in advertising, entertainment, and the video game industry.
Motion Graphics 3D
After Effects 3D Motion Graphics course will help you dive into main techniques applied in Motion Graphics today, such as 3D Logo Animation and CG compositing.
The real show begins when classes end!
A unique opportunity to build your first portfolio, test your knowledge in a project environment, and figure out the ins and outs of the VFX industry, our Internship Program is an extension of the vocational training offered to our best-performing, hungriest students who can’t wait to get into the arena! For more information visit Admissions.
Continue your learning on-the-job with a dedicated mentor and support network
I’m very pleased with the Digital Lighting, Shading and Rendering course. I already had prior knowledge of Maya that I acquired by myself, so it was easy for me to keep up with the classes. Dušan is absolutely amazing - very clear, concise, capable of communicating even the most complex topics. The lessons were interesting and we would always have enough time for both questions and practice. I definitely learned some advanced techniques and finesse that I would most likely lose too much time to find on the internet with online tutorials if I had searched for it by myself. I would definitely recommend this course, especially to those who are already into texturing and would like to go into look development as well.
Maša Stevanović, Bunker VFX studio, Digital Lighting, Shading and Rendering, 2019
I’m very pleased with this course. Prior knowledge of Photoshop makes things easier but also our lecturer Dejan introduced us to the world of matte painting and environment design in a very systematic and interesting way. This type of education is something I would recommend to all creatives, no matter their level of knowledge. At Crater Training Center, they will be able to systematize what they already know and easily progress further.
Marija Đorđević, Kurs Environment Design and Matte Painting, 2019
The course was substantial, very well conceived. The classes were amazing and contained enough theoretical background that helps you understand this subject fully. Our lecturers were Bogdan and Zoran, and they really made an effort to share everything with us. I’d like to point out that the lecturers are the biggest advantage of this course. They were just so engaged in our learning process by helping us even outside the classroom with everything we needed to master the basics of compositing. What I appreciate the most is when I see that the lecturers care so much about students and their learning journey. That was also motivating me to learn everything I could thanks to their exceptional experience gained through working in this software. I would recommend this course to anyone who enjoys films and TV shows, especially if they want to go into post-production and VFX magic.
Nikola Jeličić, Kurs Digital Compositing, 2018
I've always considered myself open minded right until I attended VFX Essentials course. The amazing lecturers I met really burst my “designer bubble” and helped me not only to learn essentials of 3D workflow but also change my approach to solving problems and observing the same thing from various angles. I’m grateful to Crater for this experience and all the knowledge I got. I would recommend this course to every creative soul out there.
Aleksandar Dimitrijević, 3D/VFX Essentials, 2017
I would like to thank everyone at Crater for giving me this unique opportunity. I have always wanted to enter the animation world (especially 3D), but I also thought that would never be possible locally, at least not at such a highly professional level. Nevertheless, I decided to sign up for the Character Animation course. I didn’t have high expectations especially because we were the first generation of students for this particular course. I was wrong! I am so pleased with the results, especially because my animation skills improved so much and the course really opened up possibilities for further specialization. Our lecturers Snežana Ćubrilović and Sofija Leškov were beyond amazing, as well as Aleksa Gajić and his lecture on traditional animation. They all were very patient and clear while answering every question I had. That helped me so much to get my work on a higher level.
Filip Gugoski, Character Animation, 2017
I’m really content with the course and what I learned in Maya. I improved my skills so much. The lecturers were amazing and very devoted to the work. This course will help everyone who wants to start doing 3D modelling and make first steps towards the VFX industry.
Miloš Mihajlović, 3D/VFX Essentials, 2017
I just want to thank everyone at Crater School for the amazing time and acquired knowledge. Our lecturer Marina Vasić was beyond amazing and I’m grateful for her patience in helping us with such a complex area of studies. Occasional theory tests were a great idea because that really helped us get the insight into our strong and weak points.
Andriana Mitrović, Organic Modeling & Texturing, 2016
The course was wonderful and the lecturer phenomenal. It requires maximum and constant effort, but the results are amazing. A whole new magical world!
Tamara Dinić, Digital Compositing, 2015
I was blown away with the Environment Design and Matte Painting course. I started dreaming of the trees and our whole class, together with the lecturer Dejan Vukadinović, as we walked through the environment. This course was very interesting and useful in every way. I come with a lot of visual communication background as I have 11 years of education in visual arts. But this course has opened a completely new world of 2D art. Apart from providing me with the basic knowledge for getting started in environment design, it really opened a whole new field of opportunities for me to connect my art with digital arts. I think this is just something that was bound to happen sooner or later - connecting traditional knowledge with contemporary digital techniques.
Marija Jovanović, Environment Design and Matte Painting, 2015
I have always been interested in studying light, but no art school or college in Serbia offers serious education in digital lighting. The only way for me to enter this work field was through Crater School’s course Digital Lighting. The fantastic team of lecturers Ivan Vasiljević and Ognjen Vuković will guide you through the processes of using all types of real-life lighting, shaders for defining materials and getting the project ready for rendering. Everything else after the technical stuff you learn is up to you and your own gut.
Bojan Milovanović, Digital lighting, Shading and Rendering, 2013
As a huge fan of Star Trek at the age of 7, I always wondered how Data and Pikar just disappeared in thin air and I found out that it was a movie effect. I can say that my childhood dream came true - I solved the mystery of Data’s disappearance. All thanks to Crater Studio and Crater Training Center.
When I found out that they offer special effects courses, I started saving money for it. It was an excellent experience. I got the opportunity to see how one of the best VFX studios in our region works. This really helped me with the other areas of my work, such as illustrations, and it widened my horizons and knowledge of post-production. I learned a lot of things I was interested in. Our lecturer Bogdan was extraordinary and he would always answer all my questions very patiently, keeping in mind that as a user of After Effects it wasn’t easy for me to shift to node based software such as Nuke so easily.
I have only words of praise for Crater VFX Training Center.
Zoran Jovanović, Digital Compositing, 2013
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